понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

acid etched

"I just sit and watch the people there. And they remind me of wind up cars in motion.
The way they spin and turn and jockey for positions.
And I want to scream out that it all is nonsense.
All your lives one track, canapos;t you see itapos;s pointless?
But then, my knees give under me. My head feels weak and
suddenly it is clear to see that it is not them but me, who has lost my self-identity.
As I hide behind these books I read, while scribbling my poetry,
like art could save a wretch like me, with some ideal ideology that no one can hope to achieve.
And I am never real; it is just a sketch of me.
And everything I made is trite and cheap and a waste of paint, of tape, of time."

I sat here for hours staring at a blank page... Trying to leave you with more. Than hurtful words in succession at a blank canvas.

I tried for years. To doll you up. To make you prettier than you really are.

To reason with your dirt. Itapos;s like that dress you stopped wearing...
spilled red wine and suddenly its spent.
Suddenly itapos;s not good enough.

To wear.
To love.

But this attempt is a waste.
Because Iapos;ve hated you from the moment I started knowing you.
And you are all the things Iapos;ve said.

Youapos;re a selfish broken little girl. With her daddyapos;s money. And her daddyapos;s indifference.

With a penchant for needing attention and ignoring what you have.

You are the emptiest girl alive. And alone in every sense of the word. You donapos;t understand suffering.

Youapos;ve got pills to melt that away.

Youapos;ve worked for nothing. You have nothing to show for 23 years. And Iapos;ve been here all along.

Iapos;ve loved your lies, Iapos;ve believed in your truth.
Iapos;ve been abandoned too many times by someone who never once possessed me.

Iapos;ve laid in bed listening to you cry.
That daddy took away your credit card.
When blood was seeping was seeping from between my legs.
While I was losing my chance at creating something bigger than myself.
And in that moment I had nothing to cradle
���� �but you.

So sure. It would be ideal to make this pretty.
To mention we had a good run.
To say as you said, that I will always love you.
But I wonapos;t.
I will walk away
as Iapos;d intended to do for months now.

I will not wish you the best.

I will wish you the worst of all things,
because it is the worst of moments that forge real character.
It is the worst that often reveals the best.

It is everything terrible that makes you cling to the smallest moments of good.

Itapos;s those who suffer.

Those who hurt.

Those that feel.

Itapos;s those kids that deserve the best.


(you cunt.)

"and I thought you were beautiful but I wept with each movement"

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I was just on myspace and I forgot that my sister changed my background. So when I went to my profile I saw Jaejoong from DBSK on it and I was just like :D Very happy indeed. So now I just love going to it more now. Even though itapos;s only temporary cause it makes things hard to see on the screen cause of the color, I still love it. Iapos;m just so freaking happy - I love my sister a lot for it.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bardwell lake

I read my last entries, and one about Cory just made me start crying all over again, I went an entire year feeling ugly and unwanted, I�donapos;t even know why I would do that to myself.� Re-reading it, everything I felt then, I still feel.� I donapos;t think I feel anything anymore.� When I kiss someone it generates the same amount of happiness brushing my hair or making a pot of coffee does.� I�miss my friends, both real life and WoW friends.� I�was really happy for the first time a week or so ago when I hung out at Yansapos; place, but havnt been invited back, or asked to hang out.� I�donapos;t know what to do to prove my worth to my friends, but I donapos;t feel like anyone ever wants to have me over for fun. Even my best freind since 3rd grade doesnt call me or invite me to go out.� But Iapos;m always the first to get called if anything exciting happens, or to hear about the parties she goes to or the fun nights out she has.� I�feel so estranged and lonely, I�donapos;t know what to do besides to keep trying and waiting for somone to want to treat me like a freind.

Oh ya and lately my hate of being crippled has quadroupled.

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age of majority act ontario

I do mean that.

I donapos;t mind doing my week of phone duty at work - yes, you get some really stupid questions (though they probably donapos;t sound that stupid to the questioners - but when they phone the Land registry to ask for a phone number for their long lost cousin in Auchtermuchty, you got to wonder *g*) - but on the whole, itapos;s interesting. However the front door closes at 4pm, but the phone lines donapos;t close till 5pm (both open at 8.30am), so if youapos;re on the rota for phone duty, you have to stay a bit later than I normally do. Still, it does help build up flexi-time - by now I should be in credit for the first time in months :-)

However, the last thing you want when working phones is laryngitis ...... So when I woke up at 3am with someone working a sander at the back of my throat, I knew it wasnapos;t good. Ricola was my bestest friend today. That and scalding hot fruit tea. Frequently.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s been crazy, crazy, crazy around here... Working 48 hours a week, school takes about 10 hours a week, TheVPrincess, ComputerMan... Iapos;ve been a busy bee. Everythingapos;s been okay. Iapos;m doing pretty good in my Elementary Algebra class, TheVPrincess is adjusting well to high school and very active with the Native American Club, and with her singing - and now photography. ComputerMan and I are doing great. His birthday was last week so we had a little celebration at his house.

Last Friday we went to the New Kids On The Block Concert OMG it was a dream come true. I use to be in love with Joey, then I moved on to Donnie... Now itapos;s Jonathan with his shy-self. The only bad part of the concert was I couldnapos;t find my camera....AAAGGGHHHHH We had a great time, even ComputerMan was impressed with the show and Dannyapos;s break dancing. I stood and sang at the top of my lungs throughout most of the concert... Now I have a sore throat this week.

Iapos;m still doing Weight Watchers... So far Iapos;m down 10.4 pounds. Iapos;m hoping to lose 25 by the end of the year. Iapos;m excited about getting control of my weight and youthing up my wardrobe. I got a haircut a couple of weeks back at TOMOapos;s in Alameda... The first time I got my haircut there she did a good job, this time she butchered it... I need to find a new place. But first I have to let it grow up. My hair grows pretty fast which is a good thing this time... My hair looks terrible. My layers are completely uneven, I have to curl my hair if I want it to look decent... Who has time for that?

I have tons of pictures Iapos;ve been meaning to post for months, but just havenapos;t gotten around to it... Iapos;ll have to have a picture parade soon, when I get a chance to sit down. I need to get back to taking pictures.

Iapos;m 32 today. Iapos;m now getting things together, I have money to live now... Iapos;m back in school, and doing pretty good. I have a great relationship. Iapos;m getting my weight in order. Now I need to work on being more socialable with friends... A few weeks ago I went to see Frida in San Francisco with CO... It was nice just hanging out with a friend... I havenapos;t doing that in sooooo long. I canapos;t remember the last time I did that. I think the last was when I went to the Dia De Los Muertos festival in 2007 and hung out with Alba and Lupe Posada. I need to do that more often. My Comadre moved back to West Oakland, so we want to start planning something once a month which seems like nothing but itapos;s a lot for us... We only see each other when the kids have parties, weddings, or funerals. Thatapos;s not good.

Well, Iapos;ve better get back to knocking things off my to do list... Happy Friday.
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