суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bardwell lake

I read my last entries, and one about Cory just made me start crying all over again, I went an entire year feeling ugly and unwanted, I�donapos;t even know why I would do that to myself.� Re-reading it, everything I felt then, I still feel.� I donapos;t think I feel anything anymore.� When I kiss someone it generates the same amount of happiness brushing my hair or making a pot of coffee does.� I�miss my friends, both real life and WoW friends.� I�was really happy for the first time a week or so ago when I hung out at Yansapos; place, but havnt been invited back, or asked to hang out.� I�donapos;t know what to do to prove my worth to my friends, but I donapos;t feel like anyone ever wants to have me over for fun. Even my best freind since 3rd grade doesnt call me or invite me to go out.� But Iapos;m always the first to get called if anything exciting happens, or to hear about the parties she goes to or the fun nights out she has.� I�feel so estranged and lonely, I�donapos;t know what to do besides to keep trying and waiting for somone to want to treat me like a freind.

Oh ya and lately my hate of being crippled has quadroupled.

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